Practice Areas

U.S. Securities Litigation

G&E’s experience in U.S. securities litigation is truly second to none. In both class action and opt-out cases, the Firm represents public and private institutional investors across the globe, attracting widespread recognition for protecting investors’ rights and recovering their damages. G&E regularly serves as lead counsel in securities class actions, and has secured some of the largest securities class action recoveries in U.S. history, including a $3.2 billion settlement with Tyco International and multi-hundred million dollar recoveries from companies such as Pfizer Inc. ($486 million), Global Crossing ($448 million), Refco Inc. ($422 million total class recovery), Marsh & McLennan ($400 million), Delphi Corp. ($325 million), General Motors ($303 million), DaimlerChrysler ($300 million), Safety-Kleen Corporation ($276 million), Merck & Co. ($215 million), J.P. Morgan ($150 million), and Parmalat ($110 million).

The Firm also has extensive experience representing institutional investors in opt-out litigation, and typically recovers for its clients multiples of the amounts they would have received in their respective class cases. G&E takes a quality-over-quantity approach, filing a limited number of cases and actively investing its resources to prosecute those cases for the benefit of its clients.

View Representative U.S. Securities Litigation Cases

Securing some of the largest
securities class action recoveries
in U.S. history

$3.2 Billion Recovery
Tyco International
$486 Million Recovery
Pfizer Inc.
$448 Million Recovery
Global Crossing
$422 Million Recovery
Refco Inc.

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